Sunday, February 5, 2023

Self Worth

If you have a bank account with money in it but you're unaware of your positive balance you can't utilize the funds. Self worth similarly can't be used if we don't hold ourselves in high esteem.

Take a few minutes to write a short description of yourself. How did you describe yourself? What value did you place oñ aspects of yourself? Is your description generally positive, balanced or negative?

Self worth or the sense of one's own value or worth as a person, evolves into a sense of self-esteem or self-respect. Low self-esteem can have an affect on various aspects of a person. A person with low self esteem probably says a lot negative thing about themselves.

If you're experiencing clinical depression, low self-esteem can be a by-product of your depressed mood. Having a negative view of oneself is a symptom of depression. So is feeling very guilty and worthless almost all the time.

So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Matthew 10:31 NIV The Bible indicates that it is proper, even necessary, to love yourself. Such love includes caring for yourself, respecting yourself, and having a sense of self-worth. I started writing this post because I've been reading up on self esteem I know it's a tired subject so I've tried to present it in a new light.

For fear of sounding glib, I will share with you that I struggle with clinical depression. It is sometimes difficult for me, as a member of the LGBT community, to call myself a Christian. In my opinion it is easier to come out as pansexual, demisexual or any kind of sexual than to call yourself a gay Christian. This has been my experience and bias.

Although the Bible does not include a specific command to love yourself, the command to “love your neighbor as yourself” indicates that a reasonable degree of self-love and self-respect is normal and beneficial. Oh God help me to hold a high opinion of myself. This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. William Shakespeare

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Dream On

Have you ever wondered what a strange, odd or just plain silly dream meant? I’ve had a few weird recurring dreams. Some I can only recall random pieces of, others flow through my brain like a mental movie (complete with rolling credits!)

I woke up feeling both exhilarated and sexually frustrated after having phone sex with Wonder Woman. The face of a rotary dial phone literally appeared on my genitals. She lovingly put her finger in each number’s designated hole and slowly turned.

Perhaps your dreams have been boring lately. If so, choose to expose yourself to new experiences throughout the day. Dreaming allows our subconscious to process the day’s events. I work in a call center and watch superhero movies. New stimuli will make your dreams become exciting once again.

Regurgitating one’s subconscious on paper may seem tedious or even ridiculous, but many a midsummer night’s dream or winter’s tale have given birth to narration. Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote Kubla Khan immediately on waking from a dream. This poem is considered one of the most famous examples of Romanticism in English poetry. A copy of its manuscript is a permanent exhibit at the British Museum in London. Dreams can inspire spectacular writing.

C. S. Lewis said that the famous Narnia story, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, came to him from a single picture he received in a dream of a faun carrying an umbrella and parcels through a snowy wood. Mr. Tumnus is that faun. Whether writing for pleasure or profit, your dream log could be a gateway to published imagination.

Dreams can be recorded in a paper diary (as text, drawings, paintings, etc.) or via an audio recording device (as narrative, music or imitations of auditory experiences from the dream). Many websites offer the ability to create a digital dream diary.

Oscar Wilde said, "They've promised that dreams can come true, but forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too." Even those dreams that wake us up with our heart pounding and beads of sweat on our forehead can be used as a tool. If you’re like me, those shimmering images won’t linger long in the light of day. However, there are exceptions. As a young boy, L. Frank Baum had nightmares about being chased by a scarecrow. It would almost catch him and then collapse in a heap. By the time Baum wrote "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz," he was 44.

Stephen King is driven to tell stories as a way of allaying his many fears. He has addressed several over the years, including clowns, in It. In an interview with UK reporter Stan Nicholls, King said: “Like the ideas for some of my other novels, that [the inspiration for Misery] came to me in a dream.”

Saturday, December 31, 2022

In Anno Domini 2022

These were a few of my favorite things.

First, how did the song, My Favirute Things, become a Christmas song? has the answer. "The tune was first heard in the Broadway production, which opened on Nov. 16, 1959. Although it wasn’t written as a holiday song, there were lyrical references to sleigh bells, snowflakes, silver-white winters and brown paper packages tied up with strings."

Favorite Books: Each year at Christmas Time I reread Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol and/or Hogfather by Terry Pratchett. This year was no different except I added a few short stories including The Fir Tree by Hans Christian Andersen. Little Fir Tree is about a pine tree, as the title implies, who is anxioius to grow up. Once he does, is gravely disappointed. I can relate; Just the other day I asked (while eating icing straight from the container with on one to say nay), did I really trade a modicum of freedome for home cooked meals and safe shelter overhead?

“It feels like a fairy tale from one of those happily-ever-after books where the princess storms the castle, slays a goblin-dragon, and takes over the kingdom for herself. Except I am not golden-haired or fine-boned. I have no bones at all. I am a rag doll who married a skeleton king."
I found The Nightmare Before Chrstimas odd, but liked the southtrack enough to revisit it. I learned of the book Long Live The Pumpkin Queen by Shea Ernshaw after watching a review on YouTube or some such.

Precisely what I expected from a sequel; Sally's narration is poetic and sugary but not sickening sweet. It answered questions I had at the end of The Nightmare Before Christmas and more. My next read may be the childlren's abridged/unabridged version of Player One.

Finally, as a belated Christmas present my mom sent me my very own copy of Dean Koontz' classic #1 bestseller Chase. A novella originally published under the pseudonym K. R. Dwyer it has been criticized for being sexist.

Even by today's standards I believe quotes like this one,
'These days?' Wallace joked, exhibiting a disregard for the girl's feelings that Chase found disoncerting. (p13)
make that claim mute. I did consider him ageist:
This night at least, he hadn't been required to make polite converation with Mrs. Fielding as she posed coyly in one of her half-unbuttoned bousedresses, revealing the fish-belly-white curves of her breasts. He never understood why she chose to be so casually immodest at her age. (p17)
but you could attribute this to the main character's personal preferences, defininitely not a cub candidate, in this instance.

Regarding Henry is a favorite of mine. Though not on my radar when it hit the big screen this heartwarming film has becomea tradition for me. The Salt Lake City film society whows Christmas themed movies annualy at Broadway Centre Theatre, (In Salt Lake City, Utah) while offering wassail and waffles yum!

This year, though tempted to attend a showing of It's a Wonderful Life in Tucson, Arizona (on the big screen), got sucked in by a British rom-com Your Christmas or Mine? I can't say if it will become a holiday tradition or not but I did watch it twice.

Thursday, December 15, 2022


I've never been tested, but feel, I think differently than others. Upon reading a notice about an adult book club for people on the autism spectrum, I decided to attend. 

My only fear... there would be people there far less functional, than myself. Rendering me unable to relate to, and or communicate with the majority in a meaningful way.

To my delight and surprise, not only did I experience an intellectual synergy, but found group members to be smarter than myself in some facet or other. Feeling connected is important, no matter what our need. It's comforting to know there is a tribe of like-minded people whether it's a business alliance, recreational enterprise or both and that’s a good thing.

I've read books I wouldn't have given a second look, had they not been nominated by the group. Some of these are now among my favorites. Such as Terry Pratchett's novel Hogfather. I watch both Star Wars and Trek films but never, read, sci-fi. Hogfather, is a cross between The Nightmare Before Christmas and Harry Potter. What a superb combination, Father Christmas meets Skeletor.

Friday, May 6, 2022

My Mom is Dope

I could make a list, recording glories, but that would only tell part of the story
Some things can't be written so we file them someplace deep enough to hold em
our hearts.

Is Mom a perfect person? No, if she was she wouldn't be here but as Idgie Threadgoode put it:
"I guess you already know that there are angels masquerading as people walking around this planet and your mom was the bravest one of those." ~ (The Whistlestop Cafe) Fannie Flagg

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Palo Verde

I looked out the window and
what did I see?

Bright yellow flowers on the
Palo Verde tree.

Spring had brought me such a
nice surprise; blossoms
popping right before my eyes.

I could take an armful and
make a treat, an amarilla blanket
crunching under my feet.

It's never really spring;
until my eyes do see,
blossoms popping
on the green stick tree.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Formally Impolite

Middle English ferten, farten; akin to Old High German ferzan to break wind, Old Norse freta, Greek perdesthai, Sanskrit pardate he breaks wind

Fart Around : to waste time : to spend time doing activities that have no serious purpose

If I were disabled/unable to work it is concievable that the pitfall of a drug addled mind and body would result.

However, these thoughts too are as a fart in the wind. Even if I had all the time in the world I would not spend it in the void of donothingism perpetually.

We all need rest, relaxation and in my case some ravishing but you have to get out of bed sometime. And if more time were available to me I would spend it learning.

I know a little of several languages, but am master of none. Winner of trivia competitions but hold no specialized knowlege.

Well read, self taught and self motivated. I am thankful do be a doer. When I get down and humble in spirit this popular refurbished Mormon phrase comes to mind: Don't sit and stew; go and do.

Quit farting around!