The Department of Justice relies heavily on "scientific studies, statistics, and protocols" which are examined and proven with a bunch of numbers on a page that are supposed to explain how to get prisoner's to be successful in leaving the system and never coming back while they discourage us with misinformation such as "85% of inmates return to prison" which dooms many of us to failure. Scientific evidence states that once in the system you are likely to remain in the revolving door of incarceration but this is only based on the knowledge that is available at the time. As more knowledge is gained, a greater understanding of possibilities is achieved. There is only partial knowledge.
Although science is not always accurate or correct, society trusts scientists. But it could be that as a society we believe in our scientists so much that we actually help validate their truth. If a scientists tells us something is a fact, we believe it so much that we might discount the possibility of an alternative.
Emerging aeronautical rules were once formulated that "the amount of weight you wanted to get in the air required a specific equation including an adequate wingspan and force of energy or propulsion." For many years scientists claimed that, based on their research, it was impossible for a bumblebee to fly until they discovered "reverse pitch semi-rotary action", a different way to fly. Bumblebees took flight because they defied scientific evidence of that time. Science is only as accurate as the information they have to study. There is more to the story than the information the scientists currently have.
Bumblebees fly because they could not physically listen to a list of reasons why they should not be successful. They don't need statics or permission because they are not limited to what evidence is possible. I am learning to live by my own truth, believe in my own reality, and do what I need to do. I don't listen when I'm told that I can't "fly" because I don't have ears for it. Maybe I don't fly like others or the way that others think I should but I DO FLY!
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